Sunday, January 7, 2018

Right Place, Right Time

“Do you want to eat here or head back to the station?”
I ponder him for a brief moment. He’s already holding our neatly packed Chinese food in a to-go bag. I glance between him and our ambulance parked neatly out front. “Let’s eat here,” I finally say after some deliberation. It’s well after 4 in the afternoon and I haven’t eaten since breakfast before I came on shift. The 10-minute drive back to the station seems like a relentless eternity for my growling stomach. We plop down at a sunny table near the door and descend upon our food like vultures who have found their first meal in days.
“I took us out of service since you need to leave at 5,” my partner tells me in between bites of his chow mein.
Perfect. Eat. Finish my report quick. And be home in time for our family’s plans for the evening. It almost seemed too easy…and it was.